El Instituto Cudeca imparte un curso de acompañamiento espiritual a enfermeras del SAS

El Instituto Cudeca imparte un curso de acompañamiento espiritual a enfermeras del SAS

El Instituto Cudeca de Estudios e Investigación en Cuidados Paliativos impartirá este viernes un curso dirigido a profesionales de Enfermería del Servicio Andaluz de Salud sobre Acompañamiento Espiritual en Cuidados Paliativos. Esta formación se enmarca en las relaciones de colaboración que la Fundación Cudeca mantiene con diferentes colectivos profesionales y por el que una vez […]

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Construction of the New Cudeca Institute for Studies & Research in Palliative Care

Construction of the New Cudeca Institute for Studies & Research in Palliative Care
On 28th January the Cudeca Hospice signed an agreement with the construction company COMPAC for the construction of the new Cudeca Institute for Studies and Research in Palliative Care which will be built next to the current Palliative Care Centre in Benalmádena. The Institute's objectives are to train future health professionals in palliative care through [...]leer más »

Abierto el plazo de inscripción para el Curso de Fisioterapia Oncológica y Paliativa

Abierto el plazo de inscripción para el Curso de Fisioterapia Oncológica y Paliativa

La fisioterapia en pacientes con cáncer es un tratamiento que requiere de un abordaje específico y diferenciado. Por eso, el Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de Andalucía y el Instituto Cudeca de Formación lanzan el Curso de Fisioterapia Oncológica y Paliativa, que acaba de abrir su plazo de inscripción. El curso se impartirá del 25 al 27 […]

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Solidarity Calendar Hospital Maritimo

Solidarity Calendar  Hospital Maritimo

Yesterday, January 22, Encarna Ayala, Ana Estrada, daughter of Encarna and Laura Garcia visited us to present us with the collection that the staff of the Maritime Hospital of Torremolinos have obtained thanks to the sale of a solidarity calendar that they themselves have made, with photographs taken by them and in which nurses from […]

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Visit Cadena Ser / Auction for Life

Visit Cadena Ser / Auction for Life

On January 21, Cadena SER Malaga radio visited the facilities of the Palliative Care Center of the Cudeca Hospice with the aim of making the symbolic delivery of the funds collected in the Auction for Life held last December. Present at the ceremony were José Manuel Atencia, Director of the Cadena SER in Malaga; Luís […]

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Cudeca Experience inicia su segunda edición como referente en formación en Cuidados Paliativos

Cudeca Experience inicia su segunda edición como referente en formación en Cuidados Paliativos

El programa de rotaciones Cudeca Experience ha comenzado su segunda edición este lunes confirmándose como un referente internacional en la formación en Cuidados Paliativos con la presencia de alumnado procedente de Venezuela, México, Colombia y España. Esta iniciativa, con una duración de cuatro semanas, se presenta como un curso de formación y especialización que ofrece […]

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LIDL Donation

LIDL Donation
At the end of 2019, we collaborated with LIDL Spain and its initiative "Saludable Solidarios", a competition held between its employees. For 2 months, different teams competed with each other to achieve the highest average number of steps per week. This initiative was not only intended to promote healthy habits in their stores and offices [...]leer más »

Visit to IES Eduardo Janeiro

Visit to IES Eduardo Janeiro

Last week we visited the IES Eduardo Janeiro (Los Pacos) in Fuengirola, we went to explain to the students the work of Cudeca and the work of the volunteers, for this we were helped by Gill Steele, a volunteer from the Foundation’s Day Unit who has been helping us for 12 years now. We thank […]

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Home Care Programme

Home Care Programme
Our teams care for patients in their own homes, providing the medical and psychological care, as well as social support they (and their relatives) need. These teams are made up of a nurse and a doctor specializing in palliative care and are complemented by psychologists and social workers to provide care adapted to each patient’s [...]leer más »