Doctor from our In-Patient Unit
Annual fundraising dinner of the Peña Malaguista of Denmark to help us
We repeat success in Patina in aid of Cudeca 2020
The Benalmádena Town Hall and the Benalmádena Ice Club organised last Saturday 22nd February their now traditional solidarity event to benefit the Cudeca Hospice, Patina por Cudeca. A fun family solidarity day with the aim of raising funds to cover the costs of the special care that each year they provide free of charge to […]
leer más »Family & friends of Anita Ferriday travel from the UK to our centre in Benalmadena to present their cheque donation
Many supporters of Chill Bar to fundraise for us at their charity bake sale!
Ochotumbao Foundation visit
Our Psycho-Social Programme
Informative talk IES Santiago Ramón y Cajal
This morning we visited the Santiago Ramón y Cajal Secondary School in Fuengirola with Luis Dominguez (home care nurse) and Jorge López (fundraising and communication technician) to tell them about Cudeca’s work. They will soon be helping us with their play “Nunca digas nunca jamás” (Never say never again), performed by the students of the […]
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