2021 Cudeca Calendar Photo Competition

2021 Cudeca Calendar Photo Competition
Cudeca Hospice is holding its annual photo competition for the 2021 Cudeca charity calendar. This year the theme is "Smiles". The calendar aims to raise awareness in the community about the importance of palliative care, and to raise funds for free, specialised care for more than 1,400 people with cancer and other advanced diseases in [...]leer más »

Restaurants in solidarity

Restaurants in solidarity

Since the COVID19 situation and the problems it has brought, Cudeca Hospice, like many other NGOs, has reduced its charity events, which are necessary to raise funds and be able to cover their expenses. The revenue from these events is essential to offer the professional and free palliative care that Cudeca Hospice has offered over […]

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Knitted Knockers España

Knitted Knockers España
We had a visit from Knitted Knockers España, and are delighted to announce the Knockers will be available next week free of charge in all our charity shops! They are present in 50 countries around the world, and we are happy to be distribution points in our area. These beautiful hand-knit prostheses are a fantastic [...]leer más »

Volunteering in our Charity Shops

Volunteering in our Charity Shops
Volunteers In May our charity shops opened their doors after more than 2 months of closure. They started with a third of the volunteers as many of them are part of the vulnerable groups. This situation caused many shops to only open in the mornings and others still remain closed. From the Volunteers Department we [...]leer más »

Luna Distributions donates hydroalcoholic gel

Luna Distributions donates hydroalcoholic gel
Distribuciones Luna, a company dealing in the import and export of indoor-outdoor furniture and household items, has donated 2 bottles of hydroalcoholic gel so that we can comply with safety and hygiene standards both in our Hospice Centre and in our charity shops. However, we still need more sanitary items to continue taking care of [...]leer más »

El escritor Alejandro García Maldonado y su último libro “Son de lirios” por Cudeca

El escritor Alejandro García Maldonado y su último libro “Son de lirios” por Cudeca
El escritor malagueño Alejandro García Maldonado colabora con la Fundación Cudeca con la venta de su último libro solidario. Licenciado en derecho, pianista y con estudios de antropología y periodismo, Alejandro García Maldonado ha decidido unir la publicación de su cuarto libro «Son de lirios» a la Fundación Cudeca, quien obtendrá la mitad de los [...]leer más »