Spanish Dance Festival for the benefit of Cudeca

Spanish Dance Festival for the benefit of Cudeca

After a year and a half of uncertainty, of not knowing when we were going to be on stage again,… ¡¡¡¡¡ we will have our charity festival.!!!!!! We do it like other years. Charity, for CUDECA, this foundation is the chosen one. The most supportive dance ever!!!!. Will you join us? These are the words […]

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Malaga Town Hall joins our Walkahome

Malaga Town Hall joins our Walkahome
On 18 May, we presented the "Walkahome", a walk at home for Cudeca at the Malaga Town Hall with the aim of promoting the virtual event to raise funds through registrations to continue caring for and accompanying people with cancer and other advanced illnesses. Present at the event on behalf of Malaga Town Hall were [...]leer más »

Ayto. Mijas joins Walkahome

Ayto. Mijas joins Walkahome
On the 17th of May we presented "Walkahome, a walk at home for Cudeca Hospice" at the Mijas Town Hall and we had the support of the Mayor, Josele González; and Councillor for Social Services, Hipólito Zapico. Also present at the presentation were Dr. Marisa Martín, Chief Executive and Medical Director; and Angel Krebbers, Communications [...]leer más »

Unicaja Foundation renews its support for the Cudeca Foundation Home Care Programme

Unicaja Foundation renews its support for the Cudeca Foundation Home Care Programme
The institution reiterates its commitment by partially supporting one of the seven home teams that help people with cancer and other advanced diseases by offering them specialised care in their homes, last year attended to more than 1,600 patients were cared for. Unicaja Foundation renews its support for the Home Care Programme that Cudeca Foundation [...]leer más »

Álvaro Deblas, one of our doctors with a big heart

Álvaro Deblas, one of our doctors with a big heart
Álvaro Deblas is one of the doctors who cares for patients and families at home, in Malaga city area. He has been working at Cudeca for 12 years and today we will tell you a little more about him and his work together with his colleagues at the Cudeca Foundation. The team consists of Noelia [...]leer más »

News on our Cudeca shops!

News on our Cudeca shops!
We would like to tell you about some of the new developments in our charity shops and we would like to take this opportunity to share our enthusiasm with you. You know that our charity shops are the primary source of funding for our foundation and that the pandemic has dealt us a severe blow, [...]leer más »

Find us in Vinted now!

Find us in Vinted now!
We'll keep it short! Now you can also find us and help us to continue caring with your purchases and donations on all these Vinted profiles. You can now buy in our shops without leaving your home, just a click away from your heart. Enter Vinted and find us here: @charityshoponline @charitymalagacentro @cudecamarbella @cudecatdm @cudecafuengirola [...]leer más »

The Sunflower Readers Club

The Sunflower Readers Club
The Sunflower Readers Club Are you one of those who would choose a book as the only company on a desert island? Reading is more enriching when it is shared. That's why the Volunteering Department is launching this activity so that Cudeca volunteers can enjoy reading, the company and experience of others. One book a [...]leer más »