Solidarity Challenge in aid of Cudeca #elalberticoncudeca

Solidarity Challenge in aid of Cudeca #elalberticoncudeca

The Intercentros effect has managed to get 5 schools in Malaga to join together in a Solidarity Challenge to help Cudeca Hospice, more than 4,000 children and their teachers united during the month of May, in their respective schools, have made drawings, ginkanas, races, marches, dances, even promotional videos. The initial idea was to unite […]

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C.E.I.P Valdelecrín raises 1,861 euros

C.E.I.P Valdelecrín raises 1,861 euros

The II Solidarity Run that the Valdelecrín public school in Fuengirola has managed to raise 1,861 euros in this solidarity sports day, this day organised by the school’s board is a great help to the Foundation and its purpose was to get the students to get involved in a solidarity action and at the same […]

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Solidarity Restaurants in aid of Cudeca

Solidarity Restaurants in aid of Cudeca

We update the information of the restaurants that are collaborating with the Cudeca Hospice in their campaign Restaurants in Solidarity, each one of them has a solidarity dish from which they donate one euro to the Foundation. We thank all of them for their solidarity and we invite you to visit them and taste their […]

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XVII Cudeca Cup Golf Tournament at La Cala Golf

XVII Cudeca Cup Golf Tournament at La Cala Golf
On Sunday June 6, La Cala Resort has a very special appointment with us adding another year to the trajectory of one of the most important events from the point of view of solidarity. The aim is to raise funds to continue our special kind of caring through the XXVII CUDECA Cup Golf Tournament of [...]leer más »

The Mayor of Mijas inaugurates the new Cudeca Hospice Charity Shop in La Cala de Mijas

The Mayor of Mijas inaugurates the new Cudeca Hospice Charity Shop in La Cala de Mijas
On the 1st of June, the Mayor of Mijas, Josele González, together with the Chief Executive & Medical Director of  Cudeca Hospice, Dr. Marisa Martín, inaugurated the Foundation's latest charity shop; the first in the municipality of Mijas and the 25th in the province of Málaga. The shop, which has been granted free of charge [...]leer más »

Challenge C.E.I.P. Rafael Alberti in aid of Cudeca Hospice

Challenge C.E.I.P. Rafael Alberti in aid of Cudeca Hospice

The Rafael Alberti School in Malaga along with other schools and institutes of Ciudad Jardin have been doing a solidarity walk for Cudeca for years, this year due to the impossibility of doing it they have decided to join the Solidarity Schools Campaign that the Foundation is promoting among all schools and they are going […]

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