Presentation of “Joan Hunt, one in a million” in Benalmádena

Presentation of “Joan Hunt, one in a million” in Benalmádena
On 2 December, Cudeca paid a well-deserved tribute at its Palliative Care Centre to the recently deceased pioneer of palliative care in Spain and founder of Cudeca, Joan Hunt. Cudeca then presented its new crowdfunding campaign "Joan Hunt, one in a Million" which aims to raise €1,000,000 to create and manage a Paediatric Palliative Care [...]leer más »

Presentation of “Joan Hunt, one in a million” Campaign in Mijas

Presentation of “Joan Hunt, one in a million” Campaign in Mijas
On 1st December, Cudeca paid a well-deserved tribute at the Mijas Town Hall to the recently deceased pioneer of palliative care in Spain and founder of Cudeca Hospice, Joan Hunt. Cudeca then presented its new crowdfunding campaign "Joan Hunt, one in a Million" which aims to raise €1,000,000 to create and manage a Paediatric Palliative Care Unit for 4 [...]leer más »

Presentation “Joan Hunt, one in a million” campaign in Estepona

Presentation “Joan Hunt, one in a million” campaign  in Estepona
On 30 November, Cudeca paid a well-deserved tribute at the Estepona Town Hall to the recently deceased pioneer of palliative care in Spain and founder of Cudeca Hospice, Joan Hunt. Cudeca then presented its new crowdfunding campaign "Joan Hunt, one in a Million" which aims to raise €1,000,000 to create and manage a Paediatric Palliative Care Unit for 4 [...]leer más »

Presentation “Joan Hunt, one in a million” campaign in Marbella

Presentation “Joan Hunt, one in a million” campaign in Marbella
On 25th November, Cudeca paid a well-deserved tribute at the Marbella Town Hall to the recently deceased pioneer of palliative care in Spain and founder of Cudeca Hospice, Joan Hunt. Cudeca then presented its new crowdfunding campaign "Joan Hunt, one in a Million" which aims to raise €1,000,000 to create and manage a Paediatric Palliative [...]leer más »

Room 10 model

Room 10 model

Today we have been visited by our friends from Maquetas Tech and they have given us a model of the house of our dear Joan Hunt that they started to make in the last Salón Inmobiliario del Mediterraneo SIMED. It is not done with the changes we want to make to transform it into a […]

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Cudeca Goldies present “Remember the Days”, a celebration of songs from the war years for Cudeca

Cudeca Goldies present  “Remember the Days”, a celebration of songs from the war years for Cudeca
A day to remember with The Cudeca Goldies!   Come and join the Cudeca Goldies for a day of remembrance and appreciation on Sunday, 14th November 2021 at the Vinea Restaurant in Fuengirola to help us.   In addition to raising money for us, the Goldies believe remembrance and celebration is an important part of [...]leer más »

Joan Hunt

Joan Hunt
Joan Hunt OBE, pioneer of palliative care in Spain and founder of Cudeca, the country's first hospice, who died on June 24th aged 92 Saying goodbye is never easy, but in a way Joan Hunt made it easier for us through the legacy she left: Cudeca, the first and to date the only hospice in [...]leer más »

Presentation of the campaign “Joan Hunt, one in a million” at SIMED 2021

Presentation of the campaign “Joan Hunt, one in a million” at SIMED 2021

On 5th November Maria Luisa Martín, Manager and Medical Director, and Rafael Olalla, Deputy Manager and Financial Director of the Cudeca Foundation, attended the Mediterranean Real Estate Exhibition SIMED 2021. Thanks to Maquetas Tech, a company in the sector, which has helped us to participate in this show and to be able to present to […]

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Malaga bids farewell to Joan Hunt, Cudeca’s founding soul

Malaga bids farewell to Joan Hunt, Cudeca’s founding soul
Last Monday, 18th October, a funeral mass was held in Málaga Cathedral in memory of the founder and soul of the Cudeca Foundation Joan Hunt, who passed away on 24th June at the age of 92.   Many representatives of public and private institutions, as well as volunteers, family members and members of the Foundation's [...]leer más »