Grupo Mianjobs to sponsor the Cudeca Tins!

Grupo Mianjobs to sponsor the Cudeca Tins!
Fundación Cudeca and Grupo Mainjobs have signed a one-year collaboration agreement! They sponsor our Cudeca tins! And they are now exclusive sponsor of our Cudeca's charity tins through a donation that will finance the distribution of these tins in the province of Malaga, using the funds obtained to care for patients with cancer and other [...]leer más »

Kaleido with Cudeca

Kaleido with Cudeca

Kaleido Restaurant in Puerto Marina in Benalmádena of the Metro Group has made a donation of 10.000 euros for our campaign “One in a million” so that we can create a paediatric palliative care unit. We were visited by Mr. Andrés Diaz Toledo Area Manager and Mr. Matteo Beligoni, General Manager of Kaleido Bar in […]

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Donación de La Hermandad de la Salud a Cudeca

Donación de La Hermandad de la Salud a Cudeca

On the 3rd of April in the Parish of San Pablo we received a donation of 1300 euros from La Hermandad de la Salud to help us to continue caring at the end of life. Afterwards a mass of passion was celebrated and a floral offering was presented to the Virgin together with the traditional […]

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Cudeca Hospice – 30 years adding life to days, that’s a lot of life!

Cudeca Hospice – 30 years adding life to days, that’s a lot of life!
On Wednesday 30th March, Cudeca Hospice held an event to present its 30th anniversary campaign, detailing the agenda of activities and events. Dr. Marisa Martín, Chief Executive & Medical Director, founder together with Joan Hunt of Cudeca Hospice, opened the event by explaining what this anniversary means: 30 years of caring in a very special [...]leer más »

Philanthropy that adds life to days

Philanthropy that adds life to days
Antonio Romero Sanchiz was one of those friends who had been part of Cudeca Hospice since its beginnings, staying close and advising from his vision as a successful entrepreneur. We met him when, in 1991, Antonio had just become a widower with 3 young children. His wife had died of cancer and when he read [...]leer más »

Twist & Shout with The Goldies in aid of Cudeca!

Twist & Shout with The Goldies in aid of Cudeca!
Relive the 60´s and the 70´s with the Cudeca Goldies   Come and join the Cudeca Goldies to enjoy the day reliving the 60´s and the 70´s at the Vinea Restaurant in Fuengirola in aid of the Cudeca Foundation.   In addition to raising money for the Cudeca Hospice, the Goldies believe enjoying and celebrating [...]leer más »

Caring for carers in the Guadalhorce Valley

Caring for carers in the Guadalhorce Valley

Cudeca Hospice is developing the project “Caring for carers  of patients with an advanced or terminal illness in the Guadalhorce Valley” thanks to the collaboration and a grant of 20,000 euros from the Provincial Council of Malaga in the framework of the 2020 call for grants to NGO’s, for the implementation of projects to care […]

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Solidarity School in aid of Cudeca from Priego de Córdoba

Solidarity School in aid of Cudeca from Priego de Córdoba

The Rural Tiñosa Public School in Priego de Córdoba held, last February, a convivial event to commemorate the Day of Andalusia and with it a solidarity race, “UNIDOS PARA CUIDAR” (UNITED TO CARE), which aimed to raise funds for the foundation “CUDECA”. The money raised, €870.00, will be used to help with the creation of […]

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Dr. Yusuf Hamied, Benalmadenian of the Year

Dr. Yusuf Hamied, Benalmadenian of the Year
On the 28th of February the Benalmadena Town Hall held its traditional institutional ceremony in the Plaza de Andalucia on the occasion of Andalusia Day. During the event, the Town Hall presented the distinction of "Benalmadense of the Year" to Dr. Yusuf Hamied, for his link and involvement with the Cudeca Hospice, making possible the [...]leer más »