Coín Town Hall renews its grant to help us to care

For the second consecutive year, the hoped for grant for Cudeca Hospice has been formalised by Coín Town Hall. On 12th September the Mayor Francisco Javier Santos Cantos and Councillor Belén González Naranjo, Councillor Delegate for Social Services met at the Coín Town Hall to renew the grant of 2,500 euros to help fund Cudeca [...]leer más »

Meliá and its charity towels raise more than 1,600€.

Meliá and its charity towels raise more than 1,600€.
Meliá Costa del Sol, in their eagerness to reduce consumption and improve the environment, launched the "Meliá Charity Towel" campaign with the aim of reducing the daily change of beach towels by guests and raising funds for a local NGO. To do this, guests who would like to change their beach towel must donate €1, [...]leer más »

UK Ambassador to Spain Visit

UK Ambassador to Spain Visit
The British Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliott, visited the Cudeca Hospice in Benalmádena on September 5th. He and his wife María Antonia Martín were given a guided tour of the building and met staff who recounted the history of the palliative care centre founded by British subject Joan Hunt,  the only one of its kind [...]leer más »

30 years adding Life to the Days: Transparency and good practices

For us, transparency in the management of the funds we receive is a fundamental requirement in order to continue to enjoy the trust of the people and entities that support us every year; and a way of achieving, through practice, higher levels of efficiency and quality in all our processes.  With the aim of ensuring [...]leer más »

30 years adding Life to the Days. Volunteering, the base of Cudeca 

30 years adding Life to the Days. Volunteering, the base of Cudeca 
From the very beginning, our founder, Joan Hunt, was clear that volunteering was fundamental to leading the Cudeca project and has been part of the CUDECA team, collaborating in many ways:  Caring for patients and families alongside the care teams. Collaborating in our charity shops. Supporting our charity events. Helping in our Centre and other [...]leer más »

30 years adding Life to Days: Palliative Care Centre

30 years adding Life to Days: Palliative Care Centre
Did you know that in 1995 the Benalmádena Town Hall gave a plot of land to the Cudeca Hospice to build our Palliative Care Centre?  In 1998 we laid the first stone of the Centre and started a campaign to cover the cost of the construction thanks to the community.   In 2000 we completed the [...]leer más »

Costa Women End of Summer Charity Party for Cudeca

Costa Women End of Summer Charity Party for Cudeca
On 22nd September 2022 at 19:30 at PLAY Restaurant in Mijas Costa, Costa Women and female friends will celebrate their 12th year as a community with fun, food, fashion, music and lots more. They are supporting - a non-profit organisation that offers professional medical care to patients suffering from cancer or other advanced illnesses, [...]leer más »

30 years adding life to the days. Psychological and Social Care 

30 years adding life to the days. Psychological and Social Care 
One of the key aspects of palliative care is to address the psycho-social needs of the person suffering from an illness such as cancer or other advanced diseases.  For this reason we have psychologists and social workers who support the other care teams and help patients, and those around them, to control negative reactions and [...]leer más »

30 years adding Life to Days. Our care: Home Care

30 years adding Life to Days. Our care: Home Care
Did you know that in 1994 we hired our first Home Care team and now we have 7 teams that provide medical care and psychological and social support to more than 1,700 people and their families every year?  Our teams are made up of a nurse and a doctor specialised in palliative care and are [...]leer más »

Get to know our In-patient Unit

Get to know our In-patient Unit
Patients in a more complex state, who cannot be cared for at home, receive specialized care in this unit 24 hours a day. In order to provide quality care for both patients and their families, the unit is formed by expert professionals with extensive experience; and, in addition, a welcoming environment has been designed to [...]leer más »