Tribute to Marcelino Romero Marquez

News 12 Dec 2014

Tribute to Marcelino Romero Marquez

Last Sunday afternoon, a Charity Football Tournament took place in Ojen, as a tribute to Marcelino Romero Marquez in aid of Cudeca Hospice.  
It was a moving event with more than 200 friends and family attending and enjoying a charity afternoon in memory of a very loved person.
The money raised from the event reached 6,655.50€ by the organisers Diego and Virginia Romero Marquez carrying out raffles, entrance tickets, and proceeds from the bar that will help Cudeca Hospice to carry on our free of charge “Special kind of caring” to more than 850 people a year who have incurable Cancer and other illnesses at an advanced stage.

Cudeca Hospice would like to give a special thanks to Diego and Virginia (family of Marcelino) who organised this Charity event with so much care and attention as well as some companies who collaborated for this tournament.  
The family members will soon be visiting the Cudeca Hospice facilities at the palliative care center where we offer our non-profit assistential programs whom will receive the proceeds from the event.