Helle Hollis presents annual cheque donation after 10 years helping us!

Helle Hollis presents annual cheque donation  after 10 years helping us!
On 4 February, Helle Hollis Marketing Manager Christine Fleischer presented their annual cheque donation of €1,000 to our Cudeca Communication & Fundraising Manager Angel Krebbers at our palliative centre to help continuing our special kind of caring. These funds have been raised from the Helle Hollis´ campaign “Cudeca charity number C0001” which gives a 15% discount [...]leer más »

Mulse in aid of Cudeca

Mulse in aid of Cudeca

Mulse Bar & Restaurant in Rincón de la Victoria collaborates again with the Cudeca Foundation celebrating a very special solidarity day on February 8th. Next February 8th from 14:00 to 21:00 The event that will count on the gastronomic part with the delights of “Barriopinto, Sabor Brutal” aims to raise funds for the Cudeca Hospice […]

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The Minister of Health and Family Affairs visits the Cudeca Hospice

The Minister of Health and Family Affairs visits the Cudeca Hospice
On February 8, the Minister of Health and Family Affairs of the Andalusian Government Jesús Aguirre, visited the Cudeca's Palliative Care Centre in Benalmádena. He was accompanied by the General Secretary of Family Affairs Ana Carmen Mata; the General Director of Social and Health Care of the Regional Ministry of Health and Family Affairs José [...]leer más »

Visit by members of the Mijas Town Hall

Visit by members of the Mijas Town Hall
On 7 February, the Councillor for Social Welfare of Mijas Town Hall, Hipólito Zapico and Belén Roca, his advisor, visited our Centre in Benalmádena. The Mijas Town Hall has supported us since 2014 with a financial contribution through a nominative grant. The Social Welfare Department has committed to provide 40,000 euros in 2020 to the [...]leer más »

Marbella Town Hall Subsidy 2019

Marbella Town Hall Subsidy 2019
The Marbella Town Hall has granted us 13,000 euros towards our Project "Home Care in Palliative Care for patients with advanced illnesses and their families in the municipality of Marbella in 2019". We would like to thank the Marbella Town Hall, the Social Rights team and councillor Isabel Cintado and the Mayor, Angeles Muñoz Uriol, [...]leer más »

Delivery of Zerimar funds

Delivery of Zerimar funds

On 29 January, we received from the Malaga leather goods company Zerimar, the proceeds of the solidarity campaign “Recycling campaign leather garments” in which by wearing a used leather jacket in exchange we received a discount in exchange for a purchase of their products. These jackets were delivered to Cudeca for their subsequent sale in […]

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El Instituto Cudeca imparte un curso de acompañamiento espiritual a enfermeras del SAS

El Instituto Cudeca imparte un curso de acompañamiento espiritual a enfermeras del SAS

El Instituto Cudeca de Estudios e Investigación en Cuidados Paliativos impartirá este viernes un curso dirigido a profesionales de Enfermería del Servicio Andaluz de Salud sobre Acompañamiento Espiritual en Cuidados Paliativos. Esta formación se enmarca en las relaciones de colaboración que la Fundación Cudeca mantiene con diferentes colectivos profesionales y por el que una vez […]

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Construction of the New Cudeca Institute for Studies & Research in Palliative Care

Construction of the New Cudeca Institute for Studies & Research in Palliative Care
On 28th January the Cudeca Hospice signed an agreement with the construction company COMPAC for the construction of the new Cudeca Institute for Studies and Research in Palliative Care which will be built next to the current Palliative Care Centre in Benalmádena. The Institute's objectives are to train future health professionals in palliative care through [...]leer más »

Abierto el plazo de inscripción para el Curso de Fisioterapia Oncológica y Paliativa

Abierto el plazo de inscripción para el Curso de Fisioterapia Oncológica y Paliativa

La fisioterapia en pacientes con cáncer es un tratamiento que requiere de un abordaje específico y diferenciado. Por eso, el Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de Andalucía y el Instituto Cudeca de Formación lanzan el Curso de Fisioterapia Oncológica y Paliativa, que acaba de abrir su plazo de inscripción. El curso se impartirá del 25 al 27 […]

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