Our charity tins raised more than 41,000€ in 2022!

News 27 Jun 2023

Our charity tins raised more than 41,000€ in 2022!

Our charity tins raised more than 41,000€ in 2022!

On June 26 at the Cudeca centre, we presented  the results of the 2022 charity tins fundraising and the renewal of the annual agreement with the company Mainjobs to be our tins´sponsors for one more year.

On behalf of Cudeca Hospice, the event was attended by Dr. Marisa Martín Roselló, chief executive and medical director; Rosa Cazorla, coordinator of the home care program and Sara Baena, coordinator of the charity tins. On behalf of Mainjobs, Mª Carmen Ruiz, director of projects and institutional relations, and Isabel Diéguez, director of communications singed the annual agreement.

For several years, CUDECA had been supported by Mainjobs, a company that sponsors the Hospice's charity tins with €3,000. Mainjobs has renewed an annual agreement to provide the necessary funds for the creation of the 1,200 charity tins that Cudeca Hospice puts into circulation with a double objective: to raise funds to carry out its commendable work and to raise public awareness of the importance of palliative care for people with cancer and other advanced illnesses.

Thanks to the charity tins and the sponsorship of Mainjobs, Cudeca Hospice had been able to raise €41,879.81, surpassing the goals set for the year. Through this new agreement and collaboration with Mainjobs, it is estimated that this figure will be exceeded in 2023.

New venues of possible collaboration have been opened between the technology company and the Hospice. Among them, Mainjobs shows its intention to go a step further in its contribution to the charity tins, promoting, also among its staff the participation with volunteers in the distribution of the tins in the province of Malaga.

The volunteer who counts the coins contained in every tin, David Creber was present at the event and commented: "It’s an honour to be a volunteer for Cudeca Tins and to help Cudeca Foundation to make its incredible contribution to people’s lives".

If you want a charity tin in your home or business, contact Cudeca Hospice Foundation at huchas@cudeca.org or 663 083 460.

And if you don't want a tin, but still you would like to support this project, you can make a donation at https://www.cudeca.org/iniciativas-solidarias/es/evento/hucha-digital-tins