Cudeca Foundation, Cancer Hospice, Events
This year, Cudeca Cancer Care Hospice, will be celebrating its 13th edition of the Cudeca Walkathon on Sunday 17th May 2015.
This charity walk´s objective it to raise awareness about our special kind of caring; celebrating together our theme "we don´t know if we can add Days to lives, but together we can giving Life to Days"; and raise funds so that we can continue assisting each year to more than 900 people with Cancer or other advanced and non-curable illnesses in an advanced stage, and support to their family, throughout the province of Malaga. Our services are free of charge.
We look forward to seeing you on the 17th May on the beach front at the Sunset Beach Club in Benalmadena from 9.30 a.m. There will be three routes: 2, 5 and 10 kilometres.
Cudeca Walkathon has been made possible thanks to the official sponsor of Obra Social "La Caixa"; and also to the collaboration of:
How can you participate?
Very easily, by registering upto two days before the event, in:
- Our Hospice Centre in Benalmádena, Avda. del Cosmos, s/n.
- Our 13 charity shops located throughout the province of Malaga
- Our website
You can also register on the day itself on the beach promenade next to the Hotel Sunset Beach Club.
Very easily, by registering upto two days before the event, in:
- Our Hospice Centre in Benalmádena, Avda. del Cosmos, s/n.
- Our 13 charity shops located throughout the province of Malaga
- Our website
You can also register on the day itself on the beach promenade next to the Hotel Sunset Beach Club.
The cost of registering prior to the 17h May is:
Before 17h May: 10€ for adults and 6€ for children,
The same day of the Walkathon: 12€ for adults and 6€ for children.
Anti-crisis family price: 20€ (this includes mother, father and children).
Upon registration, you will receive a T-shirt, bottle of water, coca-cola, a cap and a super raffle ticket.
You can register by clicking on this link.
Also, if you cannot attend this event, via this link, you can purchase your non-attendance tickets, or you make a donation to: La Caixa ES48 2100 7681 3523 00060031.
Download the Walkathon 2015 poster and share it!
Can you help in any other way?
Yes, thanks to the people that sponsor you!
Can you help in any other way?
Yes, thanks to the people that sponsor you!
In addition to the registration, you can raise money by asking your family or friends to become your sponsors.
Ask them to donate an amount for every kilometre you walk, ie your parents could sponsor you on the 5km route with 2€ for each Km walked and you will end up with 10€ for the Hospice.
My inscription (10€) + My father´s sponsorship (10€) + My mother´s sponsorship (10€) = 30€

Route 2 y 5: 11:30 a.m.