CUDECA Hospice Walkathon is back!

CUDECA Hospice Walkathon is back!
WALKING TO GIVE END OF LIFE CARE Saturday 28th May Benalmadena promenade in front of the Sunset Beach Club Hotel. Objective: to raise funds to continue caring for and accompanying people with cancer and other advanced illnesses; and to offer support to their families, com...

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The Slow Fashion Show for Cudeca!

A FASHION SHOW FOR THE FUTURE, ‘The Slow Fashion Show’ seeks innovative ways to dress responsibly.   Local artist and producer Leon Patras has teamed up once more with old and new collaborators to create another fashion show with a difference. Following on from the success of the St...

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Twist & Shout with The Goldies in aid of Cudeca!

Twist & Shout with The Goldies in aid of Cudeca!
Relive the 60´s and the 70´s with the Cudeca Goldies   Come and join the Cudeca Goldies to enjoy the day reliving the 60´s and the 70´s at the Vinea Restaurant in Fuengirola in aid of the Cudeca Foundation.   In addition to raising money for the Cudeca Hospice, the ...

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Meeting of Cudeca Hospice & Mijas Town Hall

Meeting of Cudeca Hospice & Mijas Town Hall
On the 21st of February our Chief Executive and Medical Director, Dr. Marisa Martín, and the Institutions Relations Manager, Aurea Peralta, met with the Mayor of Mijas Town Hall, Josele González; and the Councillor for Social Services, Hipólito Zapico to explain the current...

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Fitifest III edition in aid of Cudeca

Fitifest III edition in aid of Cudeca
Fitifest in aid of Cudeca, the third edition of this rock festival in the Trinchera hall. On 19 February, the tribute to Fiti will be held again for the third time for the benefit of Fundación Hospice. On this occasion Black Sugar, Los Peritas, Stone Nipples and Furcias Doradas wil...

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