Solidarity Schools for Cudeca 2022

Solidarity Schools for Cudeca 2022
The school year is coming to an end and the schools and colleges have shown their unconditional support, as they do every year, by organising charity races in their centres with the aim of helping us to raise funds to cover our expenses and to be able to care for the end of life. In this last final stretch we have had...

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Stratomille Group and CUDECA present the Cudeca 30th Anniversary Charity Luncheon at GRACE in Riviera

Stratomille Group and CUDECA present the Cudeca 30th Anniversary Charity Luncheon at GRACE in Riviera
• Stratomille Group and Cudeca Foundation present the Cudeca 30th Anniversary Charity Luncheon at GRACE in Riviera belonging to the gastrovinic group. • The luncheon will take place on Saturday, 18th June this year, from 13.30pm at GRACE in Riviera Restaurant. The S...

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Cudeca Charity Luncheon

Cudeca Charity Luncheon
Almuerzo Solidario 30 Aniversario Fundacion Cudeca en Grace in Riviera Mijas Costa Hora 13:30 Dress code: Coctail El menú consta de: Copa de bienvenida de Prosecco Butterfly Astoria Servida en la terraza acompañada de los aperitivos: Brocheta de queso Mozzarella con tomate confitado y pest...

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Mundo Mania Cudeca Fundraiser Event

Mundo Mania Cudeca Fundraiser Event
Mundo Mania in Estepona is organising a Fundarising event. This month we are hosting a charity fundraiser for Cudeca. Help us raise money for a new children's pediatric center in Malaga for children with terminal cancer on Sunday May 15 from 12:00 to 17:00 hours. There will be...

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