7th edition of the World´s Biggest Coffee Morning at Cómpeta!
The World´s Biggest Coffee Morning was started by MacMillan Cancer Support (UK) back in 1990 and it is now their largest fundraising event. In Competa, the first coffee morning was in 2012 and it´s now the 7th edition which will take place on Friday, 28th September at 11am at Café/Bar Lorena.
Tickets are available in advance from the 1st September in Todo Papel (Cómpeta) at still €5 per person. This year´s event will be even bigger and better so the community is invited to join the fun and try those delicious cakes donated by the community. There will also be a terrific tombola table, a raffle stall plus other fundraising games kindly sponsored by Sugar and Spice shop.
Once again, all the funds raised at the event will be shared 50/50 between MacMillan Cancer Support (UK) and Cudeca Cancer Care Hospice (Spain).
If you wish to donate a tombola prize, please contact:
- Deborah Matthews on 608 495 667 or email to ddmatthews@gmail.com
- Helen Sanderson on Whatsapp number 0044 797 027 4144 or email to helenandgary@sky.com
- Debi Bond on Whatsapp number 626 192 117 or email to bond@gmail.com
- Cindy Jones on 665 156 467 or email to cindyjones19@hotmail.com