30 years adding Life to the Days. Volunteering, the base of Cudeca
From the very beginning, our founder, Joan Hunt, was clear that volunteering was fundamental to leading the Cudeca project and has been part of the CUDECA team, collaborating in many ways:
- Caring for patients and families alongside the care teams.
- Collaborating in our charity shops.
- Supporting our charity events.
- Helping in our Centre and other facilities.
Today we are honoured to have more than 900 volunteers.
Thanks to the efforts of our volunteers since 1992 we have been able to care for and accompany more than 17,000 people with cancer and other advanced diseases, completely free of charge.
If you want to know more about our volunteers or become a volunteer here:
Visit www.cudeca.org/como-puedes-ayudarnos/hazte-voluntario/
Call us on 671 048 304
Send an email to voluntariado@cudeca.org

Care Volunteering

Volunteering in our charity shops

Volunteering in our Charity Events

Volunteering in administration of the Centre