30 years adding Life to the Days: Transparency and good practices
For us, transparency in the management of the funds we receive is a fundamental requirement in order to continue to enjoy the trust of the people and entities that support us every year; and a way of achieving, through practice, higher levels of efficiency and quality in all our processes.
With the aim of ensuring the fulfilment of our foundation's objectives, in 1999 we set up the Hospice's Board of Trustees, which is made up of highly recognised professionals who work in a totally altruistic manner.
Likewise, our annual accounts are audited every year by the external auditors KPMG Auditores and deposited in the Registry of Foundations of Andalusia.
In addition, since 2010 we have been analysed by Fundación Lealtad, an entity that ensures the transparency and good practices of NGOs by analysing their management, governance, use of funds, economic situation and volunteer work.