30 years adding Life to Days: Palliative Care Centre
Did you know that in 1995 the Benalmádena Town Hall gave a plot of land to the Cudeca Hospice to build our Palliative Care Centre?
In 1998 we laid the first stone of the Centre and started a campaign to cover the cost of the construction thanks to the community.
In 2000 we completed the first phase of the construction work and moved the headquarters there from Fuengirola; in 2003, the Day Care Unit was opened, and in 2005 the In-patient Unit was opened to care for patients in a more complex state, with symptoms or needs that are difficult to attend to at home, in order to receive more continuous care.
In our centre we centralise all our care: Home Care, Hospitalisation Unit, Day Centre and Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Programme; Psychological and Social Care, Outpatient Consultation, Information and Advice.