Cudeca presents its results 2024: A year of effort, growth and commitment to the Community

News 13 Mar 2025

Cudeca presents its results 2024: A year of effort, growth and commitment to the Community

On 13th March, Cudeca Hospice Foundation held its annual results presentation at the Yusuf Hamied Centre, highlighting the work of its care teams, the growth of its paediatric palliative care programme, the impact of volunteering and its efforts in teaching and research.

The event was attended by prominent authorities and representatives of key institutions, such as Ms. María Presentación Aguilera, acting mayoress of Benalmádena, who praised the transparency of the Foundation, and Mr. Francisco José Martín, Deputy for the Third Sector of the Diputación de Málaga, who stated: ‘If Cudeca did not exist, it would have to be invented’. Also in attendance were members of the Costa del Sol town councils, professional associations, the Costa del Sol Health District, the University of Malaga, banks and NGOs, friends and volunteers among others.

1,934 patients cared for and an expanding paediatric programme.

In 2024, Cudeca Hospice provided palliative care to 1,934 families in Malaga, with a strong focus on home care, which accounted for 98% of the patients cared for. Thanks to this model, 54% of patients were able to fulfil their wish to remain at home until the end of their lives.

The Paediatric Palliative Care Programme has continued to grow, with more than 2,000 interventions for 22 children from the age of 3 months. In 2025, a further step will be taken with the launch of a Paediatric Day Care Unit, which will provide innovative therapies and respite care for families.

Volunteers, the heart and soul of Cudeca

The event underlined the fundamental role of the Hospice's more than 1,101 volunteers, whose commitment is indispensable to Cudeca's mission. This year, new volunteer programmes have been launched in hospitals and nursing homes, as well as training and self-care initiatives for volunteers.

Charity shops and fundraising, key to sustainability

Charity shops have been a fundamental pillar of Cudeca's funding, with 29 establishments in operation and an ambitious expansion plan that foresees the opening of 9 new shops in the next three years, this time outside Malaga. This growth will make it possible to generate more resources to guarantee the sustainability of the welfare programmes.

In addition, the #BeCudecaHeart crowdfunding campaign raised over €127,494, funding a home care team, while the number of members, charity events and charity piggy banks has continued to grow.

While 2024 was a positive year thanks in large part to the extraordinary year of charitable bequests received, the Foundation recalled that these donations are an uncertain and volatile source of income. In this sense, Cudeca is committed to reducing its dependence on legacies and strengthening other sources of funding, such as improving contracts with the SAS and increasing support from the community.

Training and research: a commitment to the future

The Cudeca Institute of Studies and Research has continued its training work with more than 550 students and 75 trainees in 2024, as well as leading research projects in collaboration with national and international organisations. This effort reinforces the Foundation's commitment to the continuous improvement of palliative care.

The event concluded with the words of the Foundation's president, Ricardo Urdiales: ‘Patients are growing exponentially, but resources are not. We are optimistic and remain committed to our mission, but we need everyone's support to continue caring for those who need it most until the end of their days’.

Finally, Cudeca badges were presented to the Unicaja Foundation and volunteer Cindy Jones in recognition of their valuable contribution.

Dr. Marisa Martín, Chief Executive & Medical Director of Cudeca Hospice

Dr. Rafael Olalla, Deputy Chief Executive and Financial Director of the Cudeca Hospice

Unicaja Foundation - Cudeca Pin. Representative: Gerardo Lerones, Director of Social Activities.

Cindy Jones - Cudeca Pin

Francisco José Martín, Deputy for the Third Sector, Malaga Provincial Council

María Presentación Aguilera, acting mayoress of Benalmádena Town Council

Pedro J. Navarro, President of the Official College of Physicians of Malaga

José Miguel Carrasco Sancho, President of the Official College of Nurses of Malaga

Official College of Psychology of Western Andalusia

Málaga University