Whistleblower Channel

Cudeca Hospice Foundation has a Whistleblower Channel to identify irregular conduct in Cudeca Foundation and areas for improvement in internal management.

This channel for sending complaints is available to all stakeholders: Cudeca Foundation employees and volunteers, donors, people related to the organization, suppliers, etc. Cudeca Foundation provides you with the e-mail address denuncias@cudeca.org where you can send your complaints.

As stated in the Complaints Channel Policy, the communication can be made anonymously. However, in order to be able to carry out an adequate follow-up, contact information will be requested in order to contact the complainant, and it will be his/her decision to provide it or to make the complaint anonymously.

Scope of application

The Whistleblower Channel is exclusively aimed at collecting complaints about irregular conduct at Cudeca Hospice Foundation. Sending a complaint implies expressing the illegal, irregular or inconvenient status of any action carried out by Cudeca Foundation.

This channel is NOT intended to collect complaints regarding irregular conduct of other entities or within the framework of the activity of other entities whether they are companies, non-profit organizations or any other type of organization, whatever their relationship with Cudeca Foundation. Where appropriate, these reports should be directed to the reporting channels of the corresponding entities.

Nor is it intended to collect suggestions, comments or queries about the activity of the Cudeca Foundation. In this case you can use the contact form.

All complaints received will be analised and processed in accordance with the provisions of  Cudeca Foundation’s Complaints Channel Policy.