CAP Singers give spirited rendition for charity
El Paraíso Golf Club hosted a charity concert given by the C.A.P. Singers (from the Club Charity and Pleasure) on Friday May 18th.
Singing to a full house, the two charities which benefitted from this informal happy evening were CUDECA Hospice and Caritas in San Pedro de Alcántara. The audience enjoyed a spirited rendition of songs from the past one hundred years, one from each decade, in celebration of the end of the Great War.
The programme was put together by the C.A.P. Singers’ Director of Music, Yvonne Harrison, who also performed two solos, to the delight of the audience. The concert was followed by a delicious buffet supper which was much enjoyed by all.
The concert raised a fantastic 1,020€ which was divided between the two charities and on May 23rd, C.A.P members handed half the funds collected to Cudeca’s Suzan Davenport at the club’s weekly meeting at Chilli’s Restaurant in Benamara.
We would like to sincerely thank everyone involved in the event, in particular Yvonne Harrison and members of the C.A.P. Singers, and Club Charity and Pleasure, for their continuing and generous support.